This book is wonderful. It provides a guide to being spotlessly pure. She is the kind of young woman that I desire to be - without even a hint of immorality.
2. I Kissed Dating Goodbye - Joshua Harris (buy here)
I love this book - it provides practical advice from the perspective of a guy who has gone through the dating system and found it lacking. Even though it is written by a man, it is great for young women and girls as well, especially those who either are currently dating or have in the past.
3. For Such a Time as This - Lisa Ryan (buy here)
Using the story of Esther, this book helps girls and young women find their purpose in a world quickly becoming more and more dark. I really enjoyed this one.
4. Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry - Lisa Bevere (buy here)
Lisa Bevere gets real in this book. It delves deep into purity, and how important it is to keep that specialness for your husband. Plus - it has a companion workbook.
5. A Woman After God's Own Heart - Elizabeth George (buy here)
This one is a given - some of the scenarios or tips may be "old-fashioned", but they are crucial in the process of being a wife and mother. (Or wife-and-mother in training!)
6. Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer (buy here)
Again, a given. This is an awesome book (especially for young women) because it addresses all the problems and insecurities that go on in our minds. Love this one.
7. The King's Daughter - Diana Hagee (buy here)
What a wonderful book. It shows young women their value - you are so beloved. Major self esteem booster.
8. The Bible
No question here. If you want to know the way to get closer to God, here it is. READ. YOUR. BIBLE. Done.