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If you go through the Bible, you can find tons of examples in Scripture where God makes a promise - either to an individual or a people group.
Have you ever made a promise that you didn't keep? It may not have been your fault - you could have had the best of reasons to break that promise. Whatever the case, I would be willing to bet that everyone has at one point broken a promise.
Ladies - God will never break His promises to you!
There is a catch, though. I assume that you aren't in the habit of making a promise to a stranger. (Or making a promise to someone who you don't have a good relationship with!) The Lord is very much the same way - you need to be able to trust Him. That comes from a relationship with Him.
When you were younger, would your parents reward you for misbehavior? If you played hooky from school, they probably wouldn't take you to Disney World the next day.
Please don't misunderstand me - I am not saying that God ONLY blesses those who obey Him. The Bible says that "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Matthew 5:45)
He does that because He loves us. That's His grace at work there - His exceeding hope that someday all will know about the good news of His son.
However - if you want to see that blessing at work in your life every day, you need to obey Him. A relationship is built on love and trust - those are key parts of faith. A wise person trusts the Lord to fulfill His promises.
This doesn't only mean financial promises. That is a part of it, though - God wants you rich! (Proverbs 10:22) I could talk for days about prosperity, but that's another post!
It also stems into promises of health, happiness, peace, and eternal life. God has promised you so much, sweet sister! You are an heir to the kingdom - both in this life and after it.
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God." (2 Corinthians 1:20)
God's promises are fulfilled in Jesus! His death was the signature on the contract - you are set free!
"Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." (Joshua 21:45)
You will never have to wonder if God will keep His promise to you. Every promise is "yes" and "amen". When Jesus died He took that victory for you - you are blessed and powerful!
"My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises." (Psalm 119:148)
Wow. I don't know about you, but I love to sleep. We see here that the Psalmist is saying - meditate on God's Word. Fill up on His promises! There is power in those words, dear friend.
You can even pray some of those promises over yourself and your family and friends - find some verses that pertain to your situation and believe in those promises.
Wrapping up - I'd like to put a little note here. I am of the belief that God's promises are for us, and that we have been given the authority to receive those promises in our lives. I do not believe that God wants us to be poor or makes us sick. Not to punish us and not to teach us a lesson. It's not in His nature. When Jesus Christ died for our sins, He took our sickness too. It isn't ours to have anymore. If you are sick right now, there is healing at the Cross.
God wants you healed! He wants you blessed! He wants you full of joy!
If you want that too, would you pray a little prayer with me?
Dear Jesus, I thank you for your promises. I thank you that You are increasing my faith so that I can believe in your Word. I praise you because You are so good. I love you, Lord. Thank you that I am going to start seeing fruit in my life. Bring to light those areas where I can become more like you - help me to obey You and honor you with my life. I receive my healing and I choose to be joyful. Thank you so much, Jesus. In Your Name I pray, amen.
Start standing on His Word. You will see those promises in your life.

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