(via Lee Wolfe Blum)
It's good to be back! I was dealing with a little sickness on Monday, but I'm much better today. God is good!
Last week I had asked for some opinions on topics you ladies would like to hear about. One such lovely lady requested that I talk about worship. I was super excited because that had been on my heart for a while as well. Being a lover of music, worship is a topic that is very dear to me.
So, why is it so important?
It's a way to glorify God.
When you worship, you are declaring for all the world to see (and hear!) that God is good. Your praise is so special to the Lord. The Bible says in Psalm 71:8 that we should have our mouths "filled with praise", "declaring God's splendor all day long".
Worship isn't only about singing - it's about showing God how much we love Him!
It's encouraging to us.
Have you ever been going through something, and you hear a song at church or on the radio and it's like it was written for you? Sometimes a line in a worship song will jump out at me and remind me who I serve.
God can speak to you through music. During those worship times you can feel His presence - and His love.
God can speak to you through music. During those worship times you can feel His presence - and His love.
God loves to hear you!
You don't have to be an amazing singer to worship God. That's something I hear all the time - "I'm not really a good singer, so I try to stay quieter during worship."
God doesn't care how you sound. If you are a mom, would you tell your child that their artwork is anything but wonderful? No - you'd put it on your fridge! God is the same way. All praise from His children is perfect to Him.
My friends, worship is so crucial to the Christian life. The Lord loves your praise, and you!
Hump daaay!

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