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The first post on a brand new blog kind of feels like the first page of a blank journal - you have this whole space stretched out ahead of you and only you can fill it. Here goes nothing.
I'm starting 31 Potential with a purpose. A big one. I don't know about you, but I am tired of the media and my peers telling me how I should act or who I should become. I'm sick of seeing images of what this culture thinks is beautiful. I don't want to conform - I want to be transformed.
If that's your desire too, then I'm glad you're here. I would love to hear from ya, you like-minded individual you. On this blog I want to try my best to tackle all the "buzz topics" of living as a Christian young woman.
Modesty. Relationships. Self-worth. Faith. Prayer. Friends.
Just to name a few. I'm very excited to see where this goes - and even more excited to meet all of you.
You are highly favored! (Luke 1:28)

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