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(Am I the only one kind of creeped out by that picture? Sorry - it fit with today's post, haha!) I'm pretty sure you've heard the phrase "head-over-heels in love". We've seen since we were very young that "you can't control who you love" and that "love transcends all boundaries". (Cliche enough for you?)
Guess what ladies? You can most definitely control who you love. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit.
You don't have to suffer a broken heart because you fell in love with the wrong person. Save yourself the heartache!
"And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord." (1 Corinthians 7:34-35)
Being single is not a bad thing! Your heart isn't divided - you can give your full attention to the things of God. Use this time, ladies. Don't worry about finding your husband. God has the perfect man for you, all you have to do is prepare yourself for him. (It makes sense - your dream man has a dream girl in mind, right? You can use this time of being single to become that girl!)
If you aren't rushing to find that special someone you won't find the wrong someone. Let me tell you - if your eyes are focused on the Lord you won't even see the wrong guys. If you put God first in your heart, He will bring you your husband - no searching required!
" Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)
If the guy isn't a Christian he isn't worth your time. Don't "missionary date" - try to get him saved while you're in a relationship with him. Your love won't lead him to Jesus.
If he is the right one for you, God will lead him to you. Pray for him - don't get tangled up with an unbeliever.
Another great way to stay away from Mr. Wrong is to have a "buddy system". It sounds silly, but it's helpful! Have a trusted, Christian friend (or parent, pastor, sibling, etc.) keep an eye out for you. Sometimes you do become infatuated with a guy (crushes, anyone?) and it's hard to see him in a bad light. Ever heard the phrase "love is blind"? It's very true - someone observing without that attraction is more likely to see bad traits. They can give you a heads-up if the guy isn't what you're looking for.
Even more important - self-control. Accountability partners can only help so much if you lack self-control. You need to be able to see people for who they really are - and not become infatuated with people you know are bad news.
"Bad boys" make bad husbands. It's not cool to be a rebel.
Another great way to stay away from Mr. Wrong is to have a "buddy system". It sounds silly, but it's helpful! Have a trusted, Christian friend (or parent, pastor, sibling, etc.) keep an eye out for you. Sometimes you do become infatuated with a guy (crushes, anyone?) and it's hard to see him in a bad light. Ever heard the phrase "love is blind"? It's very true - someone observing without that attraction is more likely to see bad traits. They can give you a heads-up if the guy isn't what you're looking for.
Even more important - self-control. Accountability partners can only help so much if you lack self-control. You need to be able to see people for who they really are - and not become infatuated with people you know are bad news.
"Bad boys" make bad husbands. It's not cool to be a rebel.
God has the perfect, most wonderful, most amazing man out there for you. Pray for him in advance. Thank God for him already - he's out there somewhere!
For the time being, though, be single-minded (pun intended!). Care for those around you and develop your spiritual life. The closer you get to the Lord, the closer your mister will get to you.
For the time being, though, be single-minded (pun intended!). Care for those around you and develop your spiritual life. The closer you get to the Lord, the closer your mister will get to you.
Be blessed!

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