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For most of us, the "first guy" in our hearts was (or is) our dad. I know that's the case for me. He taught me how to ride my bike. He used to put my hair in a crooked ponytail and take me to the playground. He taught me about prayer. He read me the Chronicles of Narnia for hours and hours when I was ten. He was the resident "Homework Helper". In other words - I really love that guy.
I thought it would be interesting to hear a dad's point of view on daughters. I sat down with my dad to ask him a few questions.
1. If you could only tell your daughter (me!) one thing to help her for the rest of her life, what would that be?
A: Place the Lord first.
2. What is something all girls should know about young guys?
A: You can't trust them.
3. What is something Christian young men should look for in a wife?
A: I think they should look for a girl who loves the Lord, who is confident, and yet knows how to be quiet when she needs to be. They should look for a girl who can be a partner and not somebody that will only follow along or be a mouse. She should be able to value her appearance and her home, and not buy into the modern-day rendition of a woman.
(I asked this because this is what we young women should strive to become - finding your spouse isn't only about finding your "dream man", it's also about being that "dream girl" for your husband!)
(I asked this because this is what we young women should strive to become - finding your spouse isn't only about finding your "dream man", it's also about being that "dream girl" for your husband!)
4. How can daughters honor their parents during the courtship process?
A: [They can honor them] by inviting them into the process - don't try to act like you know more than you do, and don't write off their opinion. Make sure that the young man understands that the father is an important part of the decision and the girl's future.
5. What is something all Christian dads want their daughters to know?
A: That they love them, and that even though some things are hard for them - the dad has their best in mind. It's hard to make decisions for somebody else when they're young, but if the girls trust their fathers they'll end up in a good place, and they will learn to make good decisions on their own as they get older. Also, dads aren't perfect, but we really do try our best.
6. What are the things girls should look for in a husband?
A: Someone who loves the Lord first, who has a good head on their shoulders, who isn't lazy, who is teachable, humble, somebody with the ability to hear from the Lord, someone who is confident, and someone who knows what it means to be a gentleman.
He's awesome. It just goes to show you - the world wants you to think that "parents just don't understand", when really they have so much wisdom to share. (If you'll take the time to listen!)

Basically, find your parents or someone you trust (they have to be older, and preferably married!) and have a serious talk - about purity, modesty, courtship, everything. When you do that you develop that accountability partner - someone who will walk with you on your journey. Trust me, it makes the going so much easier!
If your earthly father is not here for you, your Heavenly Father is! You are much beloved.

If your earthly father is not here for you, your Heavenly Father is! You are much beloved.

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