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Hello lovelies! You're going to notice that my posts will be just a bit shorter for a little while. I'm crazy busy right now and my schedule is completely changing, so I'm still trying to find a dedicated time to write posts. (Translation: I'm up to my eyeballs in school details and I'm trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row!)
Most of us have a morning routine. For me, I can't think until my bed is made. Your bed takes up so much of the visual space in your room and if it's unmade it makes me feel messy. That's a habit I've had since I was very young. (Hey, thanks Mom!)
Our morning routines should also include a very important thing - time with Jesus. I don't know about you, but sometimes during the day I forget to have that quiet time.
My solution? I literally schedule in my prayer time. Before I do anything else, I get in the Word. (It makes me so much happier and ready to tackle the day!) If you treat it like a super important appointment, you'll be less likely to slack off and forget. For me, it works.
I feel so much better after I've spent that time in prayer. (I'm nicer, too!) I can always tell when I forget - my day just doesn't seem to go as smoothly, and my attitude certainly isn't ideal.
When it comes down to it, though, it's just really important that you have prayer time. While you should definitely have a designated "quiet time", you should constantly be prayerfully minded. There is no wrong time to pray.
When do you like to have your quiet time? Are you a night owl or an early bird, or in between? I'm super nosy so I'd love to hear it, haha!
Have a great day!

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