via Her Campus
If you've made a commitment to purity, I'm pretty sure that you've asked a question like this at one point.
Is the physical side of purity all that's important?
I would tell you - No. It's not. Physical purity is vastly important, but it is not the only part of being pure.
Emotional purity is another aspect of staying pure.
What is emotional purity?
When you get married, there is a natural and godly physical side, and then there is an emotional side to that relationship. You love that person. You know them. They are truly your other half - two become one.
Outside the bounds of marriage, this emotional connection can easily lead to a physical one. As I've said before, people in love do crazy things. When you care about someone there will be that attraction - which can become very dangerous!
How do we stay emotionally pure?
This is sometimes very difficult. Something that I've always done when I have guy friends or when I'm interacting with guys is I remind myself to think of them as brothers.
Until I'm ready to make that commitment to that special someone, this is a way to guard my heart.
I will say, though, that sometimes crushes are inevitable. You don't have to be an emotionless robot your entire life. It is what you with those feelings that makes a difference.
Be smart, ladies! Don't flirt with guys. Sometimes even teasing can come off the wrong way. Even if you're "just friends" with a guy, you can be leading him on. Make it crystal clear that you consider him a friend. (Put him in the "friend zone"!) You don't have to be paranoid - but be cautious. Have fun but don't get too close.
Or, better yet, don't give him any reason to question if he was in the "friend zone" or not. Guys feel let down after being "friend-zoned" because the girls were leading them on. Until you have that commitment of courtship (or, better yet, engagement!) keep your heart and words pure.
Happy Monday!

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