I know I kind of talk about this a lot, but the love of God is just such an important subject!
Incoming message from the Lord - He loves you! He created you for a purpose and with a plan! Nothing, and I mean nothing, you could ever do will separate you from that love.
God broke through every barrier between Himself and us - even becoming like us so that He could understand us. He died to make that relationship with us.
Please hear this, even if you hear nothing else. God ADORES you! His heart is for you! This is sometimes hard to accept - even after everything I've done, God loves me? Yes! He does! He is offering you forgiveness, and a new heart and mind.
I'm going to give a little sneakie peek for a new column on the blog - starting tomorrow. FASHION FRIDAYS! (Yay!) My goal is to find modest and stylish outfits and pieces. (It is possible!)
I'm super excited!

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