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Have you ever heard something you've said repeated by a kid? For instance, when my little sister was very young, she had heard someone exclaim "Oh shoot!". Right after that, my little sister (who was maybe 3 at the time) used that same phrase.
It seems wrong, doesn't it? Is it a "bad" word? Not necessarily - but is it a good one?
The Bible says in Proverbs 13:3 that "The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin."
So, ladies. What are some things that we really should quit saying?
one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his
lips comes to ruin. - See more at:,-Power-And-Significance-Of#sthash.u2VA6sOW.dpuf
one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his
lips comes to ruin. - See more at:,-Power-And-Significance-Of#sthash.u2VA6sOW.dpuf
one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his
lips comes to ruin. - See more at:,-Power-And-Significance-Of#sthash.u2VA6sOW.dpuf
1. I hate....
This one completely applies to me. Lately I've been feeling very convicted about the way that I throw this phrase around - "I hate those shoes", "I hate that song", "I hate this", "I hate that". When you were reading those phrases, did it make you feel good? Not me.
Instead of saying what I dislike, I should be saying what I love!
2. Died laughing/It's killing me/I could die!
While I was thinking about my speech, I also started to realize just how much I say things like "I died laughing" or "my head is killing me".
The Bible says that the "power of life and death are in the tongue". (Proverbs 18:21) When I use words like that, I'm not: 1 - Glorifying God and 2 - Confessing good things over myself.
We talk so much about death - why not talk about what we're living for?
3. That's dumb/stupid/ugly
Words like these, while not necessarily "bad" words, certainly don't uplift the subject. Think about your most commonly used adjectives. What are they?
Having an opinion isn't a bad thing. The way we express it can become a bad thing.
Let's work on positive speech - today and every day.
Have a great day!

Have a great day!

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